If you want to adopt a kitten, this is the right place.

Rules for adopting one of my cats:
Always link back.
Do not change the cat in anyway, you should recieve it as a transparent gif. if not, then you may make it so.
I decide who I want to give my cats to.
If you change the url where you keep the cat, let me know, or I will consider it abandoned and take it back.
If you breed the cat, let me have first pick of the litter, I may not always want a kitten, but I will have the choice.
If you still want a cat, and are agreeing to these rules, put adopt a tiger as the subject of the mail.


Form to apply for a cat:
Your name:
Your cattery name:
Cattery URL:
Are you a member of the International Cyber Cat Association ?
Did you use to be a member of the CCA before it closed ?
Are you a member of any other cyber cat sites ?

Send the form to me at junipur@junipur.dk




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