My birthday is on 18/10, so don`t forget it guys..........

Happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday dear Asterix,
happy birthday to me !

Look what mom got for me......

Tomorrow it is my birthday once again!
I just can`t wait, this time I have Kiki at my birthday, because mom and me, we are baby sitting her, while her parrents are on fall vacation, so she is her for almost a week, we are having such fun !

18/10-2000 3 Years old

Look, a present just for me......

Look what I got, a new ball!

18/10-1999 2 years old !

I love having birthday, and today is mine,
I`ll be two years old today, but I had the
party yesterday, it was real fun and i had
some great presents, esp. the teddy fur ball
I got from Freja I even slept with it under my head tonight!

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