Viktors page

Viktor is a Shetland pony gelding, born on june 12 2004.
He was gelded february 2008, wich I think was his luck, because he was a devil before that, because he was always in his stable, and could not come out with the other ponies.
I started taking care of him around may 2008, but I knew him allready in the winter of 07, but as a devil pony :)
He belongs to the riding school, but I have a care taking part in him, wich means that I am his prime care taker.
He is a very strong willed pony, but he is also very very sweet, when he wants to be :)

This is Viktor in summer of 08, when he was thin and short coated and all around nice looking :) This is Viktor and his girlfriend Signe, he just canīt stay away from her.
As you can see they like each other very much. This is from September 2008 when he started to get his winter coat, he still looks nice here.
And this is december 2008, I just finished grooming him here, but no matter what I do there is no way to get that coat to lay nicely, it is just too long :)  
Today we finally had snow that stayed on the ground, the ponies loved it :) This is Viktor and his girlfriend Signe
